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- Cool student . practical person luv 2 make friends ... I graduated BE in Electronics& Instrumentation . . Actually im an entertainment adict love to watch more movies again and again also love to hear songs .
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Top 10 benefits of involving in extra curricular activities
“All study and no play makes Jack a dull boy” – a famous proverb well
entrenched in our minds since childhood. While teachers often stress
upon this, and parents appreciate its value, youngsters rarely get a
chance to implement it. It is widely accepted that extracurricular
activities are the best way of developing an individual’s personality
and trimming down mental stress. A child, youngster or an adult for that
matter, can improve their skills and enhance their confidence level.
Psychologists also recommend these activities over other monotonous
confidence building classes. The top 10 benefits of extracurricular
activities are:
10. Improves interpersonal relationships:
They improve interpersonal skills and help in developing broader and confident outlook when dealing with people. The person becomes more outgoing. He/she attains the quality of analyzing people on the basis of their behavior and weighs the pros and cons involved in befriending him/her, accordingly.
9. Improves confidence levels:
An introvert child or an adult’s confidence can be enhanced by participating in extracurricular activities. These activities reduce inhibitions in a person and groom his confidence. They provide a total revamp to his introvert personality. As mentioned earlier, these activities are widely recommended by psychologists and result in overall development of a person.
8. Helps in exploring individual interests:
Extracurricular activities provide a chance to children or adults in exploring their area of interest. Most people are unaware about their interests and keep their inner self subdued for most part of their life. Regularly participating in extracurricular activities can help a child or adult to recognize his/her potential. This provides an opportunity to convert interests into a profession. There is no better way to get totally involved in your work than taking up your hobby as profession.
7. Helps in better time management:
One of the most important benefits of extracurricular activities is that one develops a sense of scheduling his/her day to day life. He/she gets an opportunity to set priorities right and manage time prudently. A child can learn to arrange his daily proceeding and put his leanings to the best use. This advantage would surely entice his/her parents in supporting these activities.
6. Relaxes the mind:
These activities work like mind relaxation therapies and reduce the stress associated with one’s busy day to day life. The best part is that the cost of extracurricular activities is almost negligible given their benefits. It is always good to shake a leg or two, paint, sing, write, and indulge in activities that promote individual welfare.
5. Makes individuals more responsible:
Children learn management and balance responsibilities once they are engaged in such activities. Participation in sports activities particularly can make a child aware of the concept of team building and co-existence. People can better their time, resources and efforts. It is through extracurricular activities that one can learn to face the challenges and overcome them without getting depressed as people in day to day life tend to do!
4. Promotes emotional well being:
Children in particular need proper emotional development in order to counter the problems they might face in future. The world is not cozy as it looks within the hundred meter radius of a child’s home. The world is getting more and more difficult to live in wake of surging social tensions. And, these activities can always help in growth of an emotionally strong individual.
3. Encourages social growth:
In the wake of the growing trend of nuclear families and working parents, especially in the cities; most children feel left out in the absence of parental care. This breeds a sense of discontent among children and they only feel safe in aloofness. It results in annihilation of their social life. It is therefore mandatory for working parents to engage their children in such activities so they regain the meaning of socializing.
2. Helps in channelizing energy:
Alcohol and drugs have become a huge menace to the society. This problem is only becoming huge with each passing day. In order to counter this surging problem in the society we need to ensure that our young generation transfers most of its unchannelised energy towards extracurricular activities. These activities help in building better stamina and a stronger immune system.
1. Helps Cure Depression:
One of the gravest problems affecting modern society is the increasing number of suicides. In the stressful and competitive environment of today, the only solution left with us is to engage in extracurricular activities as frequently as possible. Studies worldwide have shown that kids and adults taking up these activities are more inclined to stay away from depression and suicidal feelings. These activities are highly recommended for kids and adults suffering from depression.
10. Improves interpersonal relationships:
They improve interpersonal skills and help in developing broader and confident outlook when dealing with people. The person becomes more outgoing. He/she attains the quality of analyzing people on the basis of their behavior and weighs the pros and cons involved in befriending him/her, accordingly.
Image Credit: http://2.bp.blogspot.com
An introvert child or an adult’s confidence can be enhanced by participating in extracurricular activities. These activities reduce inhibitions in a person and groom his confidence. They provide a total revamp to his introvert personality. As mentioned earlier, these activities are widely recommended by psychologists and result in overall development of a person.
Image Credit: http://timemanagementninja.com
Extracurricular activities provide a chance to children or adults in exploring their area of interest. Most people are unaware about their interests and keep their inner self subdued for most part of their life. Regularly participating in extracurricular activities can help a child or adult to recognize his/her potential. This provides an opportunity to convert interests into a profession. There is no better way to get totally involved in your work than taking up your hobby as profession.
Image Credit: http://robbiebolog.com
One of the most important benefits of extracurricular activities is that one develops a sense of scheduling his/her day to day life. He/she gets an opportunity to set priorities right and manage time prudently. A child can learn to arrange his daily proceeding and put his leanings to the best use. This advantage would surely entice his/her parents in supporting these activities.
Image Credit: http://www.stimulbrain.com
These activities work like mind relaxation therapies and reduce the stress associated with one’s busy day to day life. The best part is that the cost of extracurricular activities is almost negligible given their benefits. It is always good to shake a leg or two, paint, sing, write, and indulge in activities that promote individual welfare.
Image Credit: http://www.healthypregnancy.co.za
Children learn management and balance responsibilities once they are engaged in such activities. Participation in sports activities particularly can make a child aware of the concept of team building and co-existence. People can better their time, resources and efforts. It is through extracurricular activities that one can learn to face the challenges and overcome them without getting depressed as people in day to day life tend to do!
Image Credit: http://www.fierceinc.com
Children in particular need proper emotional development in order to counter the problems they might face in future. The world is not cozy as it looks within the hundred meter radius of a child’s home. The world is getting more and more difficult to live in wake of surging social tensions. And, these activities can always help in growth of an emotionally strong individual.
Image Credit: http://www.nydreamhouse.com
In the wake of the growing trend of nuclear families and working parents, especially in the cities; most children feel left out in the absence of parental care. This breeds a sense of discontent among children and they only feel safe in aloofness. It results in annihilation of their social life. It is therefore mandatory for working parents to engage their children in such activities so they regain the meaning of socializing.
Image Credit: http://www.gurusoftware.com
Alcohol and drugs have become a huge menace to the society. This problem is only becoming huge with each passing day. In order to counter this surging problem in the society we need to ensure that our young generation transfers most of its unchannelised energy towards extracurricular activities. These activities help in building better stamina and a stronger immune system.
Image Credit: http://www.localwin.com
One of the gravest problems affecting modern society is the increasing number of suicides. In the stressful and competitive environment of today, the only solution left with us is to engage in extracurricular activities as frequently as possible. Studies worldwide have shown that kids and adults taking up these activities are more inclined to stay away from depression and suicidal feelings. These activities are highly recommended for kids and adults suffering from depression.
Image Credit: http://www.redorbit.com
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Important 5 health benefits of smoking
Who says smoking cigarettes is so bad ... well, aside from the World Health Organization, Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and every medical board and association on the face of the Earth?
But should smokers be fortunate enough to dodge all that cancer, heart disease, emphysema and the like, they will be uniquely protected — for reasons unexplained by science — against a handful of diseases and afflictions.
Call it a silver lining in their otherwise blackened lungs. Although long-term smoking is largely a ticket to early death, here are (gulp) five possible benefits from smoking. Breathe deep.
1. Smoking lowers risk of knee-replacement surgery
While smokers might go broke buying a pack of cigarettes, they can at least save money by avoiding knee-replacement surgery. Surprising results from a new study have revealed that men who smoke had less risk of undergoing total joint replacement surgery than those who never smoked.
The study, from the University of Adelaide in Australia, appears in the July issue of the journal Arthritis & Rheumatism. What could be the connection? Knee-replacement surgery was more common among joggers and the obese; smokers rarely jog, and they are less likely to be morbidly obese.
After controlling for age, weight and exercise, the researchers were at a loss to explain the apparent, albeit slight protective effects of smoking for osteoporosis. It could be that the nicotine in tobacco helps prevent cartilage and joint deterioration.
2. Smoking lowers risk of Parkinson's disease
Numerous studies have identified the uncanny inverse relationship between smoking and Parkinson's disease. Long-term smokers are somehow protected against Parkinson's, and it's not because smokers die of other things earlier. [10 Easy Paths to Self-Destruction]
The most recent, well-conducted study was published in a March 2010 issue of the journal Neurology. Far from determining a cause for the protective effect, these researchers found that the number of years spent smoking, more so than the number of cigarettes smoked daily, mattered more for a stronger protective effect.
Harvard researchers were among the first to provide convincing evidence that smokers were less likely to develop Parkinson's. In a study published in Neurology in March 2007, these researchers found the protective effect wanes after smokers quit. And they concluded, in their special scientific way, that they didn't have a clue as to why.
3. Smoking lowers risk of obesity
Smoking — and, in particular, the nicotine in tobacco smoke — is an appetite suppressant. This has been known for centuries, dating back to indigenous cultures in America in the pre-Columbus era. Tobacco companies caught on by the 1920s and began targeting women with the lure that smoking would make them thinner.
A study published in the July 2011 issue of the journal Physiology & Behavior, in fact, is one of many stating that the inevitable weight gain upon quitting smoking is a major barrier in getting people to stop, second only to addiction.
The relationship between smoking and weight control is complex: Nicotine itself acts as both a stimulant and appetite suppressant; and the act of smoking triggers behavior modification that prompts smokers to snack less. Smoking also might make food less tasty for some smokers, further curbing appetite. As an appetite suppressant, nicotine appears to act on a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, at least in mice, as revealed in a study by Yale researchers published in the June 10, 2011, issue of the journal Science.
No respectable doctor would recommend smoking for weight control, given the toxic baggage accompanying cigarettes. This recent Yale study, however, does offer an inkling of hope for a safe diet drug to help obese people control their appetites.
4. Smoking lowers risk of death after some heart attacks
Compared with non-smokers, smokers who have had heart attacks seem to have lower mortality rates and more favorable responses to two kinds of therapy to remove plaque from their arteries: fibrinolytic therapy, which is basically medication; and angioplasty, which removes the plaque by inserting balloons or stents into the arteries.
There's a catch, though. The reason why smokers have heart attacks is that smoke scars the arteries, allowing fat and plaque to build up in the first place. So, one theory as to why smokers do better than non-smokers after such therapies is that they are younger, experiencing their first heart attack approximately 10 years before the non-smoker.
A study published in an August 2005 issue of the American Heart Journal, however, states that age alone is not enough to fully explain the survival differences and that "the smoker's paradox is alive and well." No alternative theories have been put forth since.
5. Smoking helps the heart drug clopidogrel work better
Clopidogrel is a drug used to inhibit blood clots for those patients suffering from coronary artery disease and other circulatory diseases leading to strokes and heart attacks. Smoking seems to help clopidogrel do its job better.
A study by Korean researchers in the October 2010 issue of the journal Thrombosis Research builds upon work by Harvard researchers published in 2009 that demonstrates the benefit of smoking at least 10 cigarettes a day. It seems that something in cigarette smoke activates certain proteins called cytochromes, which convert clopidogrel into a more active state.
Again, no respectable doctor is encouraging patients to start smoking to get the most out of clopidogrel. But this and the other four "benefits" of smoking reveal how tobacco — perhaps not unlike other potentially toxic plants — might contain certain chemicals of real therapeutic value.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
10 reasons to go vegeterian
The New Year is here and if your New Year
resolution was something like becoming a vegetarian, you are not going
to lose out on much. Initially it was believed that vegetarians have
nothing more than cottage cheese and potatoes to eat. But with the
ever-expanding variety of vegetarian foods and delicacies being served
and cooked, turning vegetarian have become a never ending spree of late.
Therefore we have listed below top 10 reasons to go vegetarian.
10. Become a vegetarian, save money:
There are so many ways you’re chalking out to cut on the household expenditure this New Year. Become a vegetarian to save money can also be a worthy resolution this New Year. Being a vegetarian you can considerably reduce on your monthly food bill. And you can do this by consuming more nutrition and vitamins and being healthier than you have ever been. If saving money and being fitter is how you want to go this year, turn vegetarian and hit the nail on its head.(img source: examiner.com)
9. Avoid bird flu:
Chicken can carry bird flu. Word Heath Organization states that if there is bird flu in some chicken or transmitted to eggs, it can be caught by people by simply eating chicken or eggs. It can also be caught by using the same cutting board used to cook the contaminated chicken. Or even by touching the shell of the infected egg. By quitting on non-vegetarian food you are not only distancing yourself from bird flu, but also many other diseases associated with meat.(img source: naturalnews.com)
8. Helps save animals:
Choosing to be a vegetarian helps you prevent horrendous crime against animals killed for someone’s eating desires. By turning vegetarian, it is believed that one person saves about 100 odd animals from the horrible slaughter. Being vegetarian opting out from eating meat, eggs and maybe even dairy products, you are really helping the animals live better and minimize so much of unwanted suffering.(img source: blogs.kqed.org)
7. Live longer, go vegetarian:
Researchers have shown that vegetarians can live longer, healthier lives as compared to non vegetarians. A comparison between meat eater and vegetarians shows that greater the meat consumption, the greater the death rate. It is believed by researchers that vegetarians outlive meat eater by almost six years. This is so because the vegetarian diet is full of vitamins, minerals and fibers and is great at strengthening a person’s immune system.(img source: b4tea.blogspot.com)
6. Its playing safe being a vegetarian:
Most chronic illnesses, after waterborne diseases are caused by consumption of meat and dairy products. Maximum food-borne diseases are transmitted through meat and dairy products. Yes, fruits and vegetables can carry harmful bacteria too, but meat, poultry and sea food are most likely to cause food-borne disease, which meat eaters cannot avoid unless they turn vegetarian. You can take a step towards better health by turning vegetarian any day.(img source: inhabitat.com)
5. Being a vegetarian is being more eco-friendly:
According to a report by the United Nations, meat eating is one of the most significant contributions to environmental problems around the globe. Eating meat hurts animals, the people and the environment alike. It takes tons of crops and water to raise farmed animals that are slaughtered for eating. Using this wasted crop for the better of people can help feed the poor and the wasted water can be conserved for the better of the environment.(img source: scienceblogs.com)
4. Prevent cancer and heart diseases:
Vegetarian diet is low in cholesterol and saturated fat. But it is high in nutrition, minerals and fiber. The Vegetarian diet therefore decreases risk of heart disease. People who avoid meat are also believed to have lesser risk of cancer. Meat diet lacks fiber and other nutrition which can be protective against cancer. Non-vegetarian diet is rich in animal protein and saturated fat is thus more likely to cause heart diseases and cancer in people.(img source: nytimes.com)
3. Easiest way to lose extra kilos:
Everyone wants to lose weight. Most of us may also have shedding extra pounds on our list of to-dos this New Year. If you are actually planning to lose weight, then shifting onto a vegetarian diet is probably the easiest thing to put the best foot forward. Vegetarians are much lighter and have lesser extra fats on their body as compared with meat eater. Being vegetarian is a healthy way to lose the excess fat from the body.(img source: active.com)
2. Keep healthy and fit:
A vegetarian diet is certainly the healthiest diet possible. It is proven that vegetarians are less likely to develop chronic health problems like diabetes, heart attack and cancer. Vegetarians are also less likely to have high blood pressure in comparison to meat eaters. Vegetarians are also believed to be more energetic than meat eaters. Unlike the animal meat and saturated animal fat, vegetarian food is more nutritious and healthy.(img source: sheknows.com)
1. Be vegetarian, be happy:
By turning vegetarian this new year, you’re not only saving the environment and animals, you are also saving yourself. It is enough a reason to be happy. But you can also be happy for the fact that by not consuming meat you are not consuming all the toxins and fat associated with meat products. A person is the happiest when he/she is healthy. And as discussed vegetarian food enhances your health and distances you from diseases. So being vegetarian is your short cut to good health and happiness.(img source: idiva.com)
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