Noticed ur phone got heavier with this sms?
Thats bcoz it contains loads of love, affection and
prayers to keep u happy Diwali.
Brighten this season with your smile.
spread cheer,spread laughter.
Happy Diwali.
Have a crackling Diwali
May this season bring good luck and happiness 2 u and u r Family.
help ever.hurt never.
love ever.hate never.
give ever.except neve.
smile ever.cry never.
think me ever.forget me never
"Happy Diwali"
Dont open it for 36 days;
Wht r u looking fr?
Can't u wait?
OK Go ahead!
Advance Happy Diwali
B Careful From Other Duplicatewishers
I m the Only AuthorizedISO
9001-2009 Certified Distributor
Like the fire works sparkling in the sky may your each day glow with joy and be bright with smiles. WISHING U A HAPPY DIWALI
I want 2 send my hearties wishes on the special occasion of diwali festival. hope u enjoy and do lots of fun
May the festival of lights brighten up
u and u r near and dear 1s' life!
And bring joy, health and wealth 2 all of you!