
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Udhayan MP3

Cast: Arulnidhi, Pranitha
Direction: Chaplin
Production: Prabhakaran
Music: Manikanth Kadri

Extraordinary Human Abilities

People who experience taste with greater intensity than the rest of the population are called supertasters. Having extra fungiform papillae (the mushroom shaped bumps on the tongue that are covered in taste buds) is thought to be the reason why these people have a stronger response to the sensation of taste. Of the five types of taste, sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami, a supertaster generally finds bitterness to be the most perceptible.
Scientists first noticed the differing abilities of people to taste a known compound when a DuPont chemist called Arthur Fox asked people to taste Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC). Some people could taste its bitterness; some couldn’t – whether people could depended on their genetic make-up (a variant of this test is now one of the most common genetic tests on humans). While about 70% of people can taste PTC, two thirds of them are rated as medium and only one third (approximately 25% of the wider population) are supertasters.
Supertasters will often dislike certain foods, particularly bitter ones, such as brussel sprouts, cabbage, coffee, and grapefruit juice. Women, Asians, and Africans are most likely to have the increased number of fungiform papillae that make them supertasters.
8)Absolute pitch
People with absolute pitch are capable of identifying and reproducing a tone without needing a known reference. It is not simply a better ability to hear but the ability to mentally class sounds into remembered categories. Examples of this include identifying the pitch of everyday noises (e.g. horns, sirens, and engines), being able to sing a named note without hearing a reference, naming the tones of a chord, or naming the key signature of a song. Doing any of these is a cognitive act – it requires one to remember the frequency of each tone, be able to label it (e.g. ‘A’, ‘C#’, or ‘F-flat’), and sufficient exposure to the range of sound within each label. Opinions vary as to whether absolute pitch is genetic or a learned ability that is strongly influenced to one’s exposure to music at crucial developmental stages – much like how a child’s ability to identify colors by their frequency depends on the type and level of their exposure to it.
Estimates of the portion of the population having absolute pitch range from 3% of the general population in the US and Europe to 8% of those (from the same areas) who are semi-professional or professional musicians. In music conservatories in Japan however, about 70% of musicians have absolute pitch. Part of the reason for this significantly larger percentage may be because absolute pitch is more common among people who grew up in a tonal (Mandarin, Cantonese, and Vietnamese) or pitch accent (Japanese) language environment. Absolute pitch is also more common in those who are blind from birth, have William’s Syndrome, or have an autism spectrum disorder.
Featherly Colors
Tetrachromacy is the ability to see light from four distinct sources. An example of this in the animal kingdom is the zebrafish (Danio rerio), which can see light from the red, green, blue, and ultraviolet sections of the light spectrum. True tetrachromacy in humans is much rarer however – according to Wikipedia only two possible tetrachromats have been identified.
Humans are normally trichromats, having three types of cone cells that receive light from either the red, green, or blue part of the light spectrum. Each cone can pick up about 100 graduations of color and the brain combines colors and graduations so that there are about 1 million distinguishable hues coloring your world. A true tetrachromat with an extra type of cone between red and green (in the orange range) would, theoretically, be able to perceive 100 million colors.
Like supertasting, tetrachromacy is thought to be much more common in women than men – estimates range from 2 – 3% to 50% of women. Interestingly, colour-blindness in men (much more common than in women) may be inherited from women with tetrachromacy.
Echolocation is how bats fly around in dark forests – they emit a sound, wait for the echo to return, and use that sound of the echo in each ear plus the return time to work out where an object is and how far away. Surprisingly (well, maybe not on this list!), humans are also capable of using echolocation. Use of echolocation is probably restricted to blind people because it takes a long time to master and heightened sensitivity to reflected sound.
To navigate via echolocation a person actively creates a noise (e.g. tapping a cane or clicking the tongue) and determines from the echoes where objects are located around them. People skilled at this can often tell where an object is, what size it is, and its density. Because humans cannot make or hear the higher pitched frequencies that bats and dolphins use they can only picture objects that are comparatively larger than those ‘seen’ by echolocating animals.
People with the ability to echolocate include James Holman, Daniel Kish, and Ben Underwood. Perhaps the most remarkable and well-documented of cases is the story of Ben Underwood, who lost both his eyes to retinal cancer at the age of three. He is shown in the video above (warning: the scene where he puts in his prosthetic eyeballs may be a bit disturbing for some).
5)Genetic Chimerism
Dna 500
In the Iliad Homer described a creature having body parts from different animals, a chimera, from this mythological monster comes the name of the genetic equivalent – chimerism. Genetic chimerism, or tetragametism, in humans and other animals happens when two fertilized eggs or embryos fuse together early in pregnancy. Each zygote carries a copy of its parents DNA and thus a distinct genetic profile. When these merge, each population of cells retains its genetic character and the resulting embryo becomes a mixture of both. Essentially, a human chimera is their own twin.
Chimerism in humans is very rare; Wikipedia states that there are only about 40 reported cases. DNA testing is often used to establish whether a person is biologically related to their parents or children and can uncover cases of chimerism when DNA results show that children are not biologically related to their mothers – because the child inherited a different DNA profile to the one shown by a blood test. This is what happened in the case of Lydia Fairchild: DNA tests of herself and her children led the state to think that she was not actually their mother.
People born with chimerism typically have immune systems that make them tolerant to both genetically distinct populations of cells in their body. This means that a chimera has a much wider array of people to choose from should they need an organ transplant.
Imagine consistently associating numbers or letters with certain colours, or hearing a specific word which triggers a particular sensation of taste on your tongue. These are two forms of a neurological condition called synesthesia. Synesthesia is when stimulation of a particular sensory or cognitive pathway leads to an involuntary (i.e. synesthesia is not learnt) response in other sensory or cognitive pathways.
Synesthesia is most often genetic and the grapheme (letters, numbers, or other symbols) to colour form of synesthesia is the commonest. Other synesthetes can experience special-sequence synesthesia (e.g. where dates have a precise location in space), ordinal linguistic personification (when numbers have personalities), or sound to colour synesthesia (where tones are perceived as colours).
Although synesthesia is a neurological condition it shouldn’t be thought of as a disorder, because generally it does not interfere with a person’s ability to function. Most people are not even aware that their experiences of life elicit more sensory responses than other peoples might and the ones that are rarely consider synesthesia to have a negative impact on their lives.
Predictions of the percentage of people with synesthesia vary widely, from 1 in 20 to 1 in 20,000. Studies from 2005 and 2006, using a random population sample, suggested 1 in about 23 people have synesthesia. Examples of people with synesthesia include the author Vladimir Nabokov, composer Olivier Messiaen, and scientist Richard Feynman. Daniel Tammet, who is mentioned in the next section of this list, is a synesthete (in addition to being a mental calculator) who sees numbers with shapes and texture.
3)Mental calculators
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The most extraordinary group of people adept at performing complex mental calculations is those who are also autistic savants. While there are many trained people who can work out multiplications of large numbers (among other calculations) in their head extremely fast – mostly mathematicians, writers, and linguists – the untrained ability of autistic savants is the most interesting. The majority of these people are born with savant syndrome (only an estimated 50% of people with savantism are also autistic), which is still poorly understood, few develop it later in life, usually due to a head injury.
There are less than 100 recognised prodigious savants in the world and of the savants with autism who are capable of using mental calculation techniques there are even less. Recent research has suggested that a blood flow to the part of the brain responsible for mathematical calculations of six to seven times the normal rate is one of the factors that enables mental calculators to work out math much faster than the average person.
Examples of people with extraordinary calculation skills include Daniel McCartney, Salo Finkelstein, and Alexander Aitken. Daniel Tammet is one of few who are also autistic savants.
2)Eidetic memory
When a person has photographic memory or total recall this is called eidetic memory. It is the ability to recall sounds, images, or objects from one’s memory with extreme accuracy. Examples of eidetic memory include the effort of Akira Haraguchi who recited from memory the first 100,000 decimal places of pi and the drawings of Stephen Wiltshire (who is also an autistic savant) – his recreation of Rome is shown in the video above. Kim Peek, the inspiration for the autistic (Peek is not actually autistic though) character of Raymond Babbit in the movie Rainman, also possesses eidetic memory – among other things he can recall some 12,000 books from memory.
Whether true photographic memory exists in adults is still a controversial issue, but it is accepted that eidetic abilities are distributed evenly between men and women. One also cannot become an eidetiker through practice.
1)Immortal cells
There is only one known case of a person having immortal cells (cells that can divide indefinitely outside of the human body, defying the Hayflick Limit) and that is of a woman named Henrietta Lacks. In 1951, 31 year old Henrietta Lacks was diagnosed with cervical cancer, which she died from within the year. Unknown to her and her family (i.e. without informed consent) a surgeon took a tissue sample from her tumor that was passed on to a Dr. George Gey. A scientist for the John Hopkins University Tissue Culture Laboratory, Gey propagated Lacks’ tissue sample into an immortal cell line – the HeLa cell line (pictured above). The cells from Lacks’ tumour have an active version of the telomerase enzyme (telomerase is the mechanism by which cells age or are aged) and proliferate abnormally fast. On the day of Henrietta Lacks’ death, Dr. Gey announced to the world that a new age in medical research had begun – one that might provide a cure for cancer.
HeLa cells were utilised in 1954 by Jonas Salk to develop the cure for polio. Since then they’ve been used in researching cancer, AIDS, the effects of radiation and toxic substances, and for mapping genes, among other things.
Today, the HeLa cells are so common in laboratories that they contaminate many other cell cultures and have rendered some biological studies invalid through their presence. There are also more HeLa cells alive today than when Henrietta Lacks was alive – they outweigh her physical mass by many times. Tragically, Lacks was never told of the immensely valuable contribution her cells made to science and her family was not informed until many years later that her cells were being used for research purposes (a 1990 court ruling later verified Lacks’ hospital as the owner of her discarded tissue and cells). I highly recommend reading this story for a better picture of Henrietta Lacks’ life and the consequences of her cancer.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mankatha MP3

The 40secs teaser of ‘Vilayaadu Mankatha’ was more than enough to keep the expectation levels higher. Venkat Prabhu and producers of the film had initially planned to release this single-track album on May 1 for the occasion of Ajith Kumar’s birthday and postponed it later. Now we hear it from the closer sources that Sony BMG has decided to launch the audio on May 20.

The single CD track ‘Vilayaadu Mankatha’ is tagged with a price of Rs. 49/- with posters autographed by Ajith Kumar. The song is crooned by Yuvan Shankar Raja, Ranjith, Premgi Amaran, Anita and Suchitra.

Since the song is set in backdrops of a Club, Yuvan has tried working out lyrics with a mix of Tamil, Hindi and English. Gangai Amaran has penned Tamil lyrics while Yuvan on English and Hindi lines by Suchitra.

01 Vilayaadu Mankatha - Yuvan Shankar Raja, Ranjith, Sucharita, Premgi Amaren, Anita

For more click here Mankatha latest stills

Monday, May 9, 2011

Top 10 fastest cars

1. Bugatti VeyronBugatti Veyron
Top Speed : 267 mph,
Top Speed Time:  0-60 in 2.5 secs.
Engine: Aluminum, Narrow Angle 8 Liter W16 Engine with 1200 hp,
Price: $1,700,000.
Bugatti Veyron the fastest car in the world at 267 mph.

2. SSC Ultimate Aero
SSC Ultimate Aero
Top Speed : 257 mph,
Top Speed Time: 0-60 in 2.7 secs.
Engine: Twin-Turbo V8 Engine with 1183 hp
Price: $654,400
The SSC Ultimate Aero was the fastest car in the world - Guinness World Records, Break By  Bugatti Veyron  2010

3. Saleen S7 Twin-Turbo
Saleen S7 Twin-Turbo1
Top Speed : 248 mph,
Top Speed Time: 0-60 in 3.2 secs.
Engine: Twin Turbo All Aluminum V8 Engine with 750 hp
Price: $555,000

4. Koenigsegg CCX
Saleen S7 Twin-Turbo
Top Speed : 245 mph,
Top Speed Time: 0-60 in 3.2 secs.
Engine: 90 Degree V8 Engine 806 hp
Price: $545,568

5. McLaren F1McLaren F1 Top Speed : 240 mph,
Top Speed Time: 0-60 in 3.2 secs.
Engine: BMW S70/2 60 Degree V12 Engine with 627 hp
Price: $970,000.

6. Ferrari EnzoFerrari Enzo
Top Speed : 217 mph,
Top Speed Time: 0-60 in 3.4 secs.
Engine: F140 Aluminum V12 Engine with 660 hp

7. Jaguar XJ220
Jaguar XJ220
Top Speed : 217 mph,
Top Speed Time: 0-60 in 3.8 secs.
Engine: Twin Turbo V6 Engine with 542 hp

8. Pagani Zonda F
Top Speed : 215 mph,
Top Speed Time: 0-60 in 3.5 secs.
Engine: Mercedes Benz M180 V12 Engine with 650 hp
Price: $667,321

9. Lamborghini Murcielago LP640
Lamborghini Murcielago LP640
Top Speed : 211 mph,
Top Speed Time: 0-60 in 3.3 secs.
Engine: V12 Engine with 640 hp
Price: $ 430,000

10. Porsche Carrera GT
Porsche Carrera GT
Top Speed : 205 mph,
Top Speed Time: 0-60 in 3.9 secs.
Engine: Aluminum, 68 Degree, Water Cooled V10 Engine with 612 hp
Price: $440,000

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Top 5 Tamil albums of May 2011

5)Engeyum Kadhal

Cast: Jayam Ravi,Hanshika Motwani
Direction: Prabhu Deva
Music: Harris Jayaraj
To Download Engeyum kadhal mp3
4)Deiva Thirumagan,Kadhal 2 Kalyanam
Cast:Chiyaan Vikram,Anushka,Amala Paul,Santhanam
Music:G.V.Prakash Kumar
To Download Deiva Thirumagan MP3

Cast: Sathya & Divya Spandana
Direction: Milind Rau
Production: Sunitha Tati
Music: Yuvan Shankar Raja
Lyricis: Snehan & P.a Vijay
To Download Kadhal 2 Kalyanam MP3
3)Avan Ivan
Cast:Vishal,Arya,Janani Iyer
Music:Yuvan Shankar Raja
To download Avan Ivan MP3

Cast: Jiiva,Ajmal,Karthiga,Piaa,Prakash Raj
Direction: K.V.Anand
Music: Harris Jayaraj
To Download  Ko MP3

Banner: VTV Productions & Magic Box Pictures
Cast: Silambarasan,Bharath,Anushka Shetty,Prakash Raj,Sneha Ullal,Vega Tamotia,Santhanam & Sonia Agarwal
Direction: Krish
Production: R.Ganash
Music: Yuvan Shankar Raja
Lyricis: Silambarasan, Yuvanshankar Raja & Na. Muthukumar
To Download Vaanam MP3

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Top 10 football players in world cup

10. Cesc Fabregas

Nation: Spain
Club team: Arsenal
Comment: The 23-year-old midfielder has been wooed by Barcelona, but Arsenal has rejected offers for its team captain, who is under contract through the 2014-15 season. Fabregas has scored 48 goals in 267 appearances for Arsenal, and was the team’s youngest-ever first-team player. He broke his leg in April, but has been cleared to play in the World Cup. He is a dazzling playmaker who can also score.
9. Samuel Eto’o

Nation: Cameroon
Club team: Inter Milan
Comment: Eto’o led Inter Milan to the UEFA Champions League title and has appeared in two World Cups with Cameroon (1998 and 2002). Eto’o also led Inter Milan to the Italian Serie A title and the Coppa Italia title.
“Eto’o sets a great example. Of course he is a player with a big reputation, and of course he is a forward, but when the team is going through a difficult moment and they need someone to do extra work, he is the first to do it,” Inter coach Jose Mourinho said, according to a story after the Champions League final.
8. Steven Gerrard

Nation: England
Club team: Liverpool
Comment: Gerrard is an attacking midfielder who is the leader of both the English national team and the Liverpool Reds of the English Premier League. He grew up as a Liverpool fan, and his dream came true when he signed with his favorite team at age 17. He scored nine goals in 33 EPL games this season.
He’s known for his long-distance strikes, and he’ll be coupled with EPL rival Frank Lampard in midfield for England.
7. Andres Iniesta

Nation: Spain
Club team: Barcelona
Comment: Iniesta is a playmaking midfielder who has top ballhandling skills and serves as a skilled complement to teammate Xavi Hernandez. Appeared in the 2006 World Cup and 2008 European Championships for Spain. Had four assists in 29 La Liga games th is season.
6. Xavi

Nation: Spain
Club team: Barcelona
Comment: A World Cup crown is the only thing missing from Xavi’s impressive resume. A lifer with Barcelona, Xavi has won five Spanish La Liga titles, two Champions League titles and a UEFA European Championship. The midfielder is regarded for his skilled passing and ability as a playmaker. He had 9 assists in 34 league games this season.
5. Kaka

Nation: Brazil
Club team: Real Madrid
Comment: Kaka was FIFA’s Player of the Year in 2007. There are injury concerns entering the World Cup — he struggled through the club regular season — but he has been cleared to train and compete.
Kaka played for AC Milan in Italy from 2003 until last season. He appeared in 270 games and scored 95 goals for MIlan, and was with the teamn when it won the UEFA Champions League in 2007.
In the summer of 2009, Real Madrid paid Milan more than $87 million for the midfielder. Off the field, Kaka’s philanthropic contributions have earned him the honor of being one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World in 2008 and 2009. In 2004 he became the youngest ambassador against hunger in the United Nations’ World Food Program.
4. Wayne Rooney

Nation: England
Club team: Manchester United
Comment: Rooney is one of the English Premier League’s best, and he is nearly unstoppable in the open field. He is built more like a rugby player than a soccer player, but he uses his size to his full advantage at the forward position. He joined Manchester United in 2004 after a two-year stint with the EPL’s Everton. Since then he’s scored more than 130 goals in more than 280 matches. This season, he was voted the Football Players’ Association and the Football Writers’ Association’s player of the year. He’ll play forward for England in South Africa with Premier League rivals Frank Lampard and Steven Gerrard at midfield behind him.
3. Didier Drogba

Nation: Ivory Coast
Club team: Chelsea
Comment: Drogba is a versatile forward with the build of a running back and the speed of a wide receiver, regarded by some as the best striker in the world. He has scored 84 goals in 166 games for Chelsea in the English Premier League, including a league-leading 29 in 2009-10. He also led Chelsea to England’s FA Cup in May.
Drogba broke his arm in an exhibition just prior to the World Cup, and his status is uncertain.
2. Cristiano Ronaldo

Nation: Portugal
Club team: Real Madrid
Comment: Ronaldo is the highest-paid soccer player in the world. Last season he played for EPL powerhouse Manchester United, but in a $132 million deal he transferred to Real Madrid of Spain’s La Liga for the 2009-10 campaign. The Portuguese team captain and midfielder scored 26 goals in 29 La Liga games this season and had 4 assists. He was the FIFA player of the year in 2008.
1. Lionel Messi

Nation: Argentina
Club team: Barcelona
Comment: Messi is the reigning FIFA player of the year, and at 22 has a bright future. He scored 34 goals in 30 La Liga games this season and had nine assists. In 2008-09, he was named UEFA’s Club forward of the year and footballer of the year. He also helped guide Barcelona to the Copa del Rey title, the La Liga title, and the UEFA Champions League title – the first time a Spanish club has completed the triple.

Top 10 Tallest monuments of the world

10. Statue of Lanshan Buddha, Lanshan, China
Buddha near Lanshan, China, Lanshan. 71 meters (233 feet) tall.

9. “The Motherland” statue, Volgograd, Russia
84 meter (276 feet) tall, 7900 ton sculpture, located at Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd.

8. Statue of Liberty, Liberty Island, New York
93 meters (305 feet) tall statue standing at Liberty Island, New York in the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbor.

7. Statue of Peter I, Moscow, Russia
This statue is 94 meters (308 feet) tall.

6. Motherland, Kiev, Ukraine
The statue itself is 62 meters (203 feet) tall, the overall height is 102 meters(335 feet).

5. Yellow Chinese emperors Huangdi and Yandi, China
103 meters (338 feet) tall statues.

4. Buddhist statue of Guanyin, Sanya, China
The Guanyin statue is 108-meter (354 feet).

3. Ushiku Daibutsu, Ushiku, Japan
120m (394 feet) above the ground, including the 10 m (33 feet) high base and 10 m (33 feet) high lotus platform.

2. Washington Monument, Washington, USA
The monument, made of marble, granite, and sandstone, is both the world’s tallest stone structure and the world’s tallest obelisk, standing 555 feet 5⅛ inches (169.294 m).

1. Gateway Arch, Missouri, USA
630 feet (192 m), it is the tallest man-made monument in the United States, Missouri’s tallest accessible building, and the largest architectural structure designed as a weighted or flattened catenary arch.